General disclaimer
The legal relationship between the client and APTS is governed by all our agreements in accordance with "The New Regulations" ("De Nieuwe Regeling, which is abbreviated as "DNR", filed at the registry of the Amsterdam District Court). You can download the latest version and associated publications from the BNA website.
In the case of the carrying out of technical soil investigation is accepted by APTS, the general terms and conditions of the Ondernemers Technisch Soil Investigation Association apply (de algemene voorwaarden van de Vereniging Ondernemers Technisch Bodemonderzoek, ALV VOTB, filed at the registry of the Utrecht Court). You can also download the latest versions from the VOTB website.
If required, both can be sent to you, free of charge.
For transport, the “CMR verdrag” (CMR Convention) applies to international road transport, "the general transport conditions AVC" apply in the Netherlands. The CMR treaty is an international treaty between European countries. A few countries outside Europe are also members of the CMR Convention. The abbreviation CMR stands for "Convention relative au Contrat de Transport International de Marchandises par Route" (Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road). The treaty was concluded in Geneva in 1956. In 1978 the treaty was amended by a protocol to introduce the SDR as a unit and in 2008 the treaty was expanded with the protocol for the electronic waybill.
The Algemene Vervoerscondities 2002 (General Transport Conditions 2002 or AVC 2002) are general conditions for contracts for the carriage of goods by road. These conditions apply to almost all agreements of Dutch carriers. The AVC 2002 have been filed with the registry of the courts in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. You can download versions in different languages here. As a supplement you can also download the CMR convention on the website.
Website disclaimer
Although the greatest possible care has been taken on all pages of the APTS website, there is a possibility that parts of the information are outdated or otherwise no longer correct. Therefore no rights can be derived from it. APTS does not accept any liability that may arise from the content of the pages of the website.
In particular, links to third parties are beyond the control of APTS, which therefore can never be held responsible for the content of the third party pages. APTS is not responsible for the content of those other websites, for the protection of privacy on those websites or for the services that may be offered via these websites.
APTS has the copyright to the information provided through the APTS website. This applies to texts, trademarks, images, logos, drawings, sketches and photographic material. It is therefore not permitted to distribute or copy the information without written permission from APTS. The use of the APTS logo is only permitted after permission from APTS.
APTS values great importance to the protection of your privacy when processing personal data concerning the use of the website. Information about visits to APTS is only used to support technical decisions and statistical processing and never to identify individuals. The personal data you provide to receive information will only be used for the processing of the request or the response. This information is not provided to third parties.
For questions about the website, please do not hesitate to contact us.
E-mail disclaimer
The information in an e-mail that you receive from us is confidential and intended exclusively for the addressee. If the reader of this communication is not the addressee, you are hereby informed that you have no right to take note of the rest of the e-mail, to copy it or to provide it to persons other than the addressee. If you have received the e-mail by mistake, please notify APTS whereby you will be asked to destroy the original message. APTS is not responsible and rejects any liability for and / or in connection with all consequences and / or damage of a correct and complete sending and receipt of the content of this e-mail.
Upon receipt and use of document types other than PDF, you indemnify APTS for responsibility and liability for all data that is provided to third parties or that are produced using these provided digital files.